Tuesday, June 18, 2013

My decklist from Yugioh WCQ Philippines 2013

Hello Everyone!!!

It's been a reeeeaaallllllyyyy llloooooooooonnnngggg time since i last posted here. I wanna apologize to those people who are following my blog (if any) :) . I have been busy the whole year preparing for different events. it's reallly hard to manage your time especially when you're playing 3 Card Games at the same time (right now im actively playing Yugioh, Vanguard and Weiss Schwarz). Plus, we all know for a fact that i'm not good at writing, so most of the times, i feel lazy before i even start with my post. :P Anyways, Enough with the chit chat and let's go straight to the topic. here's the list


3x Blaster
3x Redox
3x Tidal
3x Tempest
2x Stream
2x Burner
2x Reactan
2x Lightning
3x effect Veiler
3x Maxx C
2x Droll and lock
1x Flamvell Guard

3x Gold Sarco
3x Super Reju
1x Seven star sword
1x Heavy storm
1x Book of moon
1x Darkhole

1x Breakthrough Skill

Extra Deck: 15
1x Stardust Dragon
1x Colossal Fighter
1x Blackwing Dragon
1x Scrap Dragon
1x Blackrose Dragon
1x Ancient Sacred Wyvern
1x Gemknight Pearl
3x PBP DragoSack
2x Big Eye
2x Gaia Dragoon
1x GaioAbyss

Side Deck: 15
2x Tsukuyomi
2x Puppet Plant
1x Electric Virus
1x Metaion
2x Swift Scarecrow
3x MST
2x EEV
2x Vanity's Emptiness

For now, I'm not gonna discuss this in detail since i haven't got much time. but please feel free to ask for any questions and i'll be glad to answer them. But please don't ask me how i beat Prophecy, coz the answer is 1st, i only encountered it twice during the event (during round 6 of swiss where i loss and Finals. yep, its the same player). 2nd, I JUST GOT LUCKY during Finals. no special techniques whatsoever. :)

Thanks for reading and will try to post more soon! :)

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